Foundation Repair
~ Inward Deflection
Each wall will be repaired depending on conditions.
Foundation walls with 1” to 2” inward deflection.
Install 2”x5”x1/4” steel reinforcement beams max 48” o.c., closer to 32” oc. on walls closer to the 2” deflection.
Foundation walls with over 2” inward deflection.
Excavate foundation to footing, haul away soil and dispose.
Straighten wall using jack system.
Install 2”x5”x1/4" steel beams max 48” o.c.
Install new 4” socked drain tile and tie into sump pit.
Install waterproof membrane (platon), seal top with flashing or ground breaker
Back fill to grade with ¾” clear stone, repair lawn damage.
We also work with:
~ Piering - This is used to correct foundation with settlement issues
Interior piering, this is used to stabilize a foundation from further settlement. This involves breaking out approx. a 3’x3’ section of concrete, driving down 3” steel tubing to bedrock using the weight of the house and a hydraulic ram to push it in. Then connecting this tube to the footing using a steel bracket. Patching concrete back in, the entire system is buried below grade.
Exterior piering, this is used if lift is desired. Excavation is required to remove all the soil from on top of the footing to be able to lift the structure, otherwise there is too much weight from the soil to allow for lift. Then the same process is done. This is hydraulic piering (using the weight of the house to drive down a tube)
Helical piering. This is used when there is not enough weight of the structure to push the tube to bedrock before it starts moving the structure. This is common with slab homes or block crawlspaces. Sometime the type of soil or depth of bedrock will also warrant helical piering. Helical piering is using a machine to turn a tube with an auger head on it into the ground until it obtains a suitable pressure to carry the weight of the structure. It is then attached to the footing and the structure is stabilized or can be raised.
~ Interior Water Control Systems - This is used to direct water that is seeping into basements from the foundation to a sump pump
We can excavate and waterproof walls or install an interior water control system, this includes breaking concrete next to wall, digging a trench for draintile and drainage stone, drilling weeper holes into wall, installing a corrugated plastic to catch any water running down the wall, patch concrete area.
~ Foundation Rebuilds - This is used when the foundations are past the point of straightening or reinforcement
We temporarily support the structure while this work is being done. We excavate the old foundation and remove it. We then pour a new footing with a new block wall built.